The ever changing world of SEO

SEO Byron

The Ever-Changing World of SEO

The world of SEO is always changing shape and as a business owner, it’s recommended that you have some understanding of how it works.

SEO or search engine optimisation, is controlled by the large companies who want to ensure that only the best of the best of sites reach to the top of the listings. Search companies such as Google and Yahoo decide who deserves a place at the top for meeting their ever-changing algorithm criteria. All the tweaking and changing requirements make it possible for thousands of other people to make a living from the field of SEO.

As a website owner, it’s important to understand about how SEO works and what you can do to influence your chances at being found in search engine results.

Although there are hundreds of different variables that play into what the SEO ranking is of each website, something that you can use to influence your standing is getting links to your site. These links will provide the ‘road’ into your site for traffic and it will also give a message to the search engines that you’re a site worthy of noticing.

Here are some tips on how to get the links that will influence the SEO success of your site and which links will benefit you.

How to improve your SEO with links to your website

Surprisingly, it’s relatively easy to get links to your website. However, whether your website rankings are boosted or not is another thing. In addition to there being excellent sources that will pull you up the rankings, there are also some very low-quality sources that won’t do your site any favours at all. Getting links isn’t enough, it’s all about getting the right links. Here are some ways to get the links that will help your site.

Social bookmark sites. Many people set up accounts on social bookmark sites to share the sites that they think are great with friends and family in addition to anybody else who is interested. Get started by creating an account, adding a link and then describe your site with relevant keywords.

Web directories. In the same vein as an online yellow pages, web directories are usually a little more exclusive. The owner of the web directory will decide whether you qualify to be added and your site could be added using categories and sub-categories which will help your site in the same way that keywords can.

Press releases. Another potentially powerful way to not only add links to your site, but to raise awareness. You can promote your services and products and if you select a particularly good angle, you may even get broader media coverage.

Blogging. Informing and educating your clients is possible through blog posts. Links to your posts could be shared and this will gain you links. You will also be able to share links to your pages on your social media accounts.

Although these techniques are relatively easy to apply, they can be time-consuming. If you have somebody else to work on for it, you can focus on the more important tasks that maintain your business.

Although SEO is an arena that continually changes, it’s likely that these three link building methods will remain the same. Apply them and you can still stay ahead despite the ever-changing nature of SEO.